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Call Us Today! 515-299-4555
Many of our blind customers use the popular screen reading program called Jaws for Windows. Windows Live Mail, the current free email client available from Microsoft, can be used with Jaws, with the proper know-how. An excellent guide to using Jaws with Windows Live Mail 2011 , written by David Bailes, is available at the following web site:
Nov 17, 2016 – Edit: Beginning in 2017, Windows Live Mail will no longer be supported by Microsoft, which makes it important that you not use Windows Live Mail. An excellent replacement at this time for an email client is Mozilla Thunderbird. If you need help setting up or using this software, contact us – we’d love to help!
Phone: 515-299-4555
Address: 2520 Mansfield Dr. Des Moines, IA 50317
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 6:00pm